Leather Care Tips
The unprotected leather is susceptible to spotting from water and other liquids, a newly purchased leather item should be treated immediately to prevent permanent stains.  The use of too much oil and wax, however, can clog pores, causing leather to lose its ability to allow air in and moisture out.
Always hang leather coats on wide, padded hangers.  Use shoe trees in shoes and boots.  Stuff empty handbags with tissues to retain their shape.
Don't store your leather garment in a place that has warm, stagnant air like an attic, in direct sunlight, or in a car trunk for an extended period of time.
Avoid wet paint at all costs.
Do not store leather goods in plastic bags or other nonporous covers.  If clothing must be stored in a garment bag, keep it open for ventilation.
Allow wet or damp leather to air-dry naturally away from any source of heat.  Apply a little leather conditioner when the leather is nearly dry to restore flexibility.  Follow this with a full conditioning treatment after the leather has completely air-dried.
In winter, promptly remove any salt deposits from coats, shoes, and boots by sponging with clean water, then follow with the treatment recommended above for wet or damp leather.  To prevent mildew, protect leather from excessive humidity.
In a dry environment, regularly condition the leather to prevent it from drying out and cracking.
Do not use waxes, silicone formulas, or other leather preparations that impair the ability of the leather to "breathe."
Never use caustic household chemicals to clean leather.  Also avoid leather preparations that contain alcohol, turpentine and mineral spirits that can pull the color of the leather and mink oil or other animal fats that will darken the leather.
Leather Care Tips
Unprotected leather is susceptible to spotting from water and other liquids, a newly purchased leather item should be treated immediately to prevent permanent stains.  The use of too much oil and wax, however, can clog pores, causing leather to lose its ability to allow air in and moisture out.
Always hang leather coats on wide, padded hangers.  Use shoe trees in shoes and boots.  Stuff empty handbags with tissues to retain their shape.
Don't store your leather garment in a place that has warm, stagnant air like an attic, in direct sunlight, or in a car trunk for an extended period of time.
Avoid wet paint at all costs.
Do not store leather goods in plastic bags or other nonporous covers.  If clothing must be stored in a garment bag, keep it open for ventilation.
Allow wet or damp leather to air-dry naturally away from any source of heat.  Apply a little leather conditioner when the leather is nearly dry to restore flexibility.  Follow this with a full conditioning treatment after the leather has completely air-dried.
In winter, promptly remove any salt deposits from coats, shoes, and boots by sponging with clean water, then follow with the the treatment recommended above for wet or damp leather.  To prevent mildew, protect leather from excessive humidity.
In a dry environment, regularly condition the leather to prevent it from drying out and cracking.
Do not use waxes, silicone formulas, or other leather preparations that impair the ability of the leather to "breathe."
Never use caustic household chemicals to clean leather.  Also avoid leather preparations that contain alcohol, turpentine and mineral spirits that can pull the color of the leather, and mink oil or other animal fats that will darken the leather